American Democracy & Health Security

American Democracy and Health Security

Lighting a path forward amid pandemic Polarization

David Bibo

Former COVID-19 Lead

U.S. Federal Emergency Management

David Bibo
David Bibo previously served as the COVID-19 Lead and Acting Associate Administrator for Response and Recovery for the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), where he led FEMA’s response, recovery, logistics, and field operations nationwide. Mr. Bibo first joined FEMA in 2009, and has served in numerous senior roles. He has previously served as Senior Director for Preparedness on the staff of the White House National Security Council and as a Special Advisor to the Director of the United States Secret Service. Prior to joining Federal service, Mr. Bibo served in state and local government, including as Assistant Homeland Security Director for the City of Boston and eight metropolitan communities to build preparedness and response capabilities in the wake of September 11th. Mr. Bibo is a recipient of the Secretary of Homeland Security’s Outstanding Service Medal. He holds a Master’s in Public Policy from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government and a Bachelor of Arts from Stonehill College in Easton, MA. 

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“What we needed was the capacity of all of the systems to work together. Those things that enable scale and enable you to gain and maintain situational awareness, to establish a footprint and to deliver aid – if you cannot do those things, you cannot respond.” 

David Bibo

Former COVID-19 Lead

U.S. Federal Emergency Management

David Bibo
David Bibo previously served as the COVID-19 Lead and Acting Associate Administrator for Response and Recovery for the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), where he led FEMA’s response, recovery, logistics, and field operations nationwide. Mr. Bibo first joined FEMA in 2009, and has served in numerous senior roles. He has previously served as Senior Director for Preparedness on the staff of the White House National Security Council and as a Special Advisor to the Director of the United States Secret Service. Prior to joining Federal service, Mr. Bibo served in state and local government, including as Assistant Homeland Security Director for the City of Boston and eight metropolitan communities to build preparedness and response capabilities in the wake of September 11th. Mr. Bibo is a recipient of the Secretary of Homeland Security’s Outstanding Service Medal. He holds a Master’s in Public Policy from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government and a Bachelor of Arts from Stonehill College in Easton, MA. 

“What we needed was the capacity of all of the systems to work together. Those things that enable scale and enable you to gain and maintain situational awareness, to establish a footprint and to deliver aid – if you cannot do those things, you cannot respond.” 

Watch full interview