American Democracy & Health Security

American Democracy and Health Security

Lighting a path forward amid pandemic Polarization

Lighting a Path
Forward Amid Pandemic Polarization

Lighting a Path
Forward Amid Pandemic Polarization


The story of how America fared under the pandemic is actually two stories — one of struggle and one of innovation.

The story of how America fared under the pandemic is actually two stories — one of struggle and one of innovation.

Both are true…

American democracy and health security are inextricable: American health security depends on maximizing our ability to live in a free society and manage a public health emergency simultaneously. Likewise, the health of our democracy depends on citizens’ faith in our institutions – our schools, workplaces, and especially our government –  to protect them in a crisis.

Somehow, we must find a way forward that both respects the individual freedoms we hold dear and supports the collective good—and do so now, before the next devastating health emergency strikes.

That path forward is illuminated by the state and local leaders – lamplighters – who innovated in the pandemic’s darkest days, and whose efforts reflected the ingenuity, collaboration, debate, and shared decision making that are hallmarks of American democracy.

American democracy and health security are inextricable: American health security depends on maximizing our ability to live in a free society and manage a public health emergency simultaneously. Likewise, the health of our democracy depends on citizens’ faith in our institutions – our schools, workplaces, and especially our government –  to protect them in a crisis.

Somehow, we must find a way forward that both respects the individual freedoms we hold dear and supports the collective good—and do so now, before the next devastating health emergency strikes.

That path forward is illuminated by the state and local leaders – lamplighters – who innovated in the pandemic’s darkest days, and whose efforts reflected the ingenuity, collaboration, debate, and shared decision making that are hallmarks of American democracy.